Good night America

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tyler's disgusted and went to bed. He's finding out politics can be depressing I guess! He helped at the polls today from 6am until 7:30pm and was so proud to vote for the first time. There's a lot I have to say about the process but I don't want to be controversial. I do feel sorry for him though! It's a long, hard, often disappointing, process; trying to craft a better country. You don't always get what you want, and you don't necessarily have to be right to win, or wrong to lose....
Like I told my oldest and my DH, now there's no more questions, no more speculations, no more wondering - God Bless America - I pray the right thing was done today...

Vaccinations and Autism

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Well, this is going be controversial but I can't let the news reports just run on without my input!
The topic that was on a news story this morning was about Autism being caused by vaccines. I have a lot to say about this, but I will put it this way - you be the judge!

Point 1 - I have 3 boys; 19, 18, 9 -

  • the oldest was vaccinated according to pretty much the whole schedule
  • the middle and youngest were not - my little sister started investigating because of her autistic son and with her findings came my objections and inevitable withdrawal from the 'program'
Point 2 - While I fought the fight, I did give in on my youngest at one point and had him vaccinated when he was in preschool.
  • My oldest has fought ADD all of his life and has had to overcome great learning difficulties - a lot of what we see in our current generation
  • Middle son has above-average intelligence and has consistently impressed his teachers, casual contacts, and friends' parents. He has only done poorly through the years because of educators holding him back or just being 'bored' through lack of challenge.
  • Youngest has a few behavioral and social issues but has been overcoming them recently in leaps and bounds due to his ability, finally, to reason out the cause and affects of his actions. He is constantly sought after for the Gifted & Talented programs. He had an I.Q. of 140 at 8 years old and is currently working on math that is far above grade level. His vocabulary is unsurpassed and leaves most he comes in contact with speechless.
I am just stating facts here - nothing I'm going to write or have written in this post is based on my mother's bias. If I feel anything about my children, it is that they could do better, make better choices, and behave better. Especially Austin - I feel that his level of emotional i.q. is very high in some instances but he seems to lack the ability to truly care for anyone or anything - animals have endured a lot at the hands of this little 'monster' and he has truly scared me many times with his inability to feel other's pain. His extreme intelligence only feeds his ability to thwart others and get out the things he should have consequences for. He 'outsmarts' his dad 10 to 1 and if I didn't know better, I'd say he'd learned from masters such as 'Eddie Haskell' of "Leave it to Beaver" fame. He is, as I stated above, starting to overcome this behavior flaw, but it's been tough for him and I.

Point 3 - Most of the proponents of vaccinating your children are sponsored, or are in some way affiliated, with the drug-producing companies.
  • On the NBC News Show this morning, the reporter asked the doctor, "You created the latest vaccine that is now part of the CDC Schedule and are making billions of dollars from this. How can we believe your view is unbiased when you have so much to lose by these implications being proven right?" He replied that his only interest is that of the health of the children, including his own. hummm
  • Most of the proponents have a GREAT deal to lose if we no longer vaccinate our children.
  • Schools are badgered into forcing parents to vaccinate their children or face expulsion or denial of entry.
  • Almost all, I can't find any that would, of the opponents to vaccinations have nothing to gain from their battle so why are they fighting so hard - even to the point of risking their own lives and those of their loved ones as well?
I think it's time for us all to do our research. Autism is at a record high; 1 out of every 150 children are being diagnosed every day with this horrible disease and we owe it to them to make informed decisions! I chose to not vaccinate because I believe there's enough out there to cause us to 'error on the side of safety' rather than just 'do as we're told'...
Below is a copy of the correspondence I had with one of the largest opponents to vaccination - take what you will from it -
I feel that I owe it to my nephew and my little sister(rest in peace my dear one!) to carry on her legacy of questioning what's best for our children and to not blindly vaccinate my babies!

" Hello Dr. Miller,
I read your page with great interest as my little sister(now deceased) spent nearly all of 8 years trying to find the reason for her son being plagued with Asperger's Syndrome. At the time of her death in 2006 she was completely convinced that immunizations were the cause and fought to get this recognized. All of the points that you made in your article were like an echo of her 'findings' and I was very impressed to hear a doctor speak of these things!
Because of her passion and desperation to help her son, who was an extremely intelligent boy until around the age of 3 when he started showing signs of this disease; he became anxious and fearful of various things, such as faces and other children, and would write certain numbers over and over until, to him, they were 'perfect' and other such strange obsessions, she became very educated in the 'disease' of Autism, focusing primary on the Asperger's Syndrome strain. She worked tirelessly telling other parents and doctors about the effects of Mercury and thimerosal and only found groups of people that were against all that she was saying and asking about, because she was just a mother.
I wish she could've read your article as it has closed any doubts I may have had! Thank you for the very interesting and educational post!
I am writing you to tell you what I came across just now when looking for an immunization schedule. I was appalled at what I read and am sending a link to it so that you may read it too!! What an eye-opening article you've written and I appreciate your frankness in the face of such controversy! Here's the link to a very popular 'parent' website where they are openly opposed to the studies on this -
Thank you in advance for reading all of this - I don't usually write people I don't know, but I was compelled to say 'bravo' to you! and send this link..."

This was written in response to his article, "A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD" He also sent me a very interesting link - that you can research with if you're interested...

So, the 'ball's in your court' - what will you do? nothing, thinking that the Government knows best, or check out for yourself every viable piece of information you can get your hands on? We owe it to our kids to protect them and keep them safe :0)

with love,

Fall is in the air in Washington

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Red maple leaf1
Photos shared with permission courtesy of the Pentimento Blog

Red maple leaf2

Smile, uh, POSE, for the camera Sweetie!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My kids are hams! No, not the kind you eat, although I have to admit when they were chubby little babes I did wonder about them thar juicy little legs! lol

We went to the school where Tyler's interview for the Russia trip was at and Austin and I ended up smashed up in the car for an hour - boredummm!

Anyway, afterward we went to WallyWorld to exchange little man's pants (guess he wasn't that big afterall!?) and after struggling to find a parking place close enough to get my lame carcass up to the door Austin asked me why I didn't park in the Handicap spot? My reply was that I didn't have a card. Never satisfied with my short answer he stated that I should have my doctor give me one :( Well I then explained to him that as long as I could walk, I will, Thank You very much!!

He thought the HC parking spot symbol looked cool and promptly laid himself down on the ground in this pose - I swear I should've yelled at him to get up off the filthy ground, but I'm pretty amused and laid back, so instead I grabbed the camera so I could share this ridiculous event with you! =D

Now that we're back to home sweet home it's time to get away from the internet and work on a pattern for a client's photo puzzle! Hope you enjoyed this little whimsy :)

Thanks for "stopping by the shop!"

Sorry, I can't work today!

Friday, October 17, 2008

At least that's what I'm going to have tell most of my perspective clientèle' - there's wasps in my work shop, black widows in my wood cache, and every creature big and small is hunting for a place to lay over for the winter. But that's not what is keeping from my beloved shop today - It's my boys!!
My oldest, Ryan, is home for a few days from college - some kind of break. Tyler has an interview this afternoon to go to Russia after the school year - an invitation-only international, sister-city, school trip, as well as a school bake sale he set up for Sunday at the local WalMart. And Austin, well, he's 9 - he just flat needs his mommy!! Right now he's standing behind me swinging a cord and saying "ow, this really hurts!" lol Don't ask me, I just live here!
Weekends at Deer Mountain are always a mixed bag of work, kids, hubby, and housework. Never a moment's rest, but this weekend is shaping up to be a wee bit more hectic and I'm already getting a headache!
So, sorry ya'll - just can't work today!
I did manage to get in some computer time this morning and was delighted to receive an email from ProjectWonderful saying that I'd finally been approved for an ad box! I immediately went skipping through the house telling my children that I'd finally "arrived"! lol Pretty stupid, I know! But it's nice to know that they feel this goofy
little blog is worthy somehow and now I hope that someone will bid on it - even at the $0 mark! - so I don't feel silly for thinking someone might want to advertise on my site!! I just tell myself, "Think good thoughts!" I know I'm not going to become independently wealthy off of such a thing, and actually hope it never costs anyone anything! :), but it would be nice to be thought of in that way! :D
As always I have so much to tell you, but I lack the time - apparently, I can't blog today either!! So I bid you adieu for now and hope that you always enjoy "stopping by the shop!"

Tough times call for stupidity...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wow! I was in such a good mood this morning - the realization that I had tons of 'real work' to do and that I was going to be allowed to do so in relative calm and peace caused such a feeling that I thought, "man, I'm actually giddy with excitement!!!" lol Then it happened -

I was in the front room, folding clothes to deliver to my sleepy heads when the news started in, blasting me with all of the warmth of an arctic storm! :(

I'm so sick of the candidates, the weather, the problems that people like O.J. Simpson are having, news that Paris Hilton has feelings and emotions like the rest of us, and disaster after disaster - but the stock market and the 'bail out' are just flat out pissing me off!
When one of my many bill collectors call and viciously harass me for payment can I tell them, "Hey, my tax dollars are bailing your butt out, so quit calling me, unless you want to say 'Thanks!'" After all, it said that we will be infusing the bailee's with billions of dollars to help them out!?
But NO! Ever since the news hit that these unfortunate victims of tough times are going to get this tremendous boost in the financial arm, I've been inundated with phone call after phone call of debt collectors that want their money, NOW!
Everyone wants the Iraqi people to be grateful that we're 'saving' them, so why wouldn't I want the financial institutions to be grateful that we're 'saving' THEM?!?
We're suffering and losing our homes and retirement funds, and no one's running to help us!? Bush says that "we have to sit down and work this out together..." but I haven't received an email or phone call from him? And what exactly does his new catch-phrase mean anyway? Is HE going to be tightening the 'ol belt buckle and chipping in? Are our law makers, candidates, congressmen/women, and state government heads going to be taking a pay cut? Are they at risk of losing everything?
Hey guys/gals I need a bail out too! But it's not because I mishandled my funds - it's because I've had to try to live amongst the chaos that you've created, and you've taken away my funds so now there's nothing to save!
It's time for answers. And no, McCain, I'm NOT "your friend." I hate that phrase he's using! lol I was so excited about Palin - she was 'one of us'; a mother, a woman, a sensible soul - but, no, I guess I was wrong in that assumption... they're all the same - and as good as Obama talks, he's ingenuine too... I'm going to vote for Homer Simpson and wish that Andy Taylor were running!
I guess that's it for my rant - I've run out of time, energy, and am just flat too depressed about it all to keep on - isn't that the way they want us? Too tired and depressed to fight what they're doing?? Spirit broken and homeless? I'm beginning to think that that might be a fact...

Trip to Adams State Universiy

Friday afternoon we farmed Austin out to a neighbor, dropped Tyler at his buddy's house, loaded up Ryan's girlfriend and headed to Adams State College in Alamosa for Ryan's first college concert (well, there were some other kids in it too!). It's really kind of silly as the college is only 2.5 hours from here, but for me and my back it was an epic journey!
I packed everything but the kitchen sink, checked at least a dozen times to make sure I had everything, especially my pills - can't forget those!!
As we pulled into the meeting place, the corner "Loaf n Jug", Kylie was on the phone trying to get Ryan to hurry faster... After all, we hadn't seen him in almost a week!! She and I were both out of the car the moment his weirdly angled driving lamps came into view and as he stepped from his car my gut turned again as I watched him desparately embrace his own true love and leave me standing there, looking stupid, as usual! lol I don't think I'll ever get used to sharing him with this interloper, ummm, well it's not really sharing - she's got him and I don't... that's motherhood! It's a good thing that I really like her!! =D
When we arrived at his hotel room, I mean, dorm room, we started to unpack and take inventory of what we would wear to this monumentous occassion - for all of my thourough packing and careful checks and re-checks, Roger ended up without his shirt, and me without my trousers!! ugh! Everyone ended up being in extremely casual attire, so we fit in just fine - again proving that I worry too much and pack way too much!
It was a great concert, even if I did only capture the top of my darling's bobbing and weaving crown of dark tresses! He sounds so much more polished now than when they ruled the small high school of Cotopaxi, Colorado, so I guess the college courses are working :)
It's really pretty sad though that I can never get good footage - for years other parents nodd warmly at me as I arrive at concerts and events with massive electronics in tow, knowing that the most precious moments of their children's school lives are being safely preserved by the lady that always has the best of the best in HSN home video recording equipment!
I know they wonder why I've not complied with their many requests for copies of the events, but I am sure that I would be totally exiled from future school functions if they only knew! Not to mention, when your oldest son is one of the best bass players in the State of Colorado and his best friend the best drummer of the Western U.S., get to 'jammin', the camera is not going to be steady!! I'm deathly afraid to even look at those, but the sound came out good! ;->
After the concert we went back to the dorm and made ready for a good night's sleep - Ryan had managed to scrounge up a mattress from David's room and took the 'drapes' off of the windows for our covers. We would assuredly have the best rest ever! Roger and I haven't slept "side by side" in over 9 years as we have a massive California King bed that assures we will never bump into each other, but this night we would sleep on the smallest twinmattress I'd ever seen and quite possibly get reacquainted in the most inhumane manner! I wisely commandeered the inside of the mattress that was against the foot of Ryan's humongous bed. I guess throughout the night Roger found out how cold the floor in a dorm room can be and finally ended up at 1am, resting comfortably on a nice hard cafe' chair. I didn't notice, I wasunconscious! At 5:30am I was roused by my loving man holding a luke -warm cup of Micky D's exotic brew and, what I'm sure was, 1200 tiny packs of sugar. He knows me well! I haven't slept in my clothes in some time and remember now that it was a wise thing to grow out of when I was quite small! It was an experience and I dare say that the next time(?!?!) I will sell something and get a room!!
So I'm back home now, safe in my sweats and medic scrubs. I've been beyond sore today, but am still victorious in knowing that we 'did good' and my empty bank account made a young man look good, once more, in front of his friends.
Spare me monthly concerts ASU, please! Now, back to work! =D

Just WHAT are we trying to say here??

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I guess today's going to be one of those days where I just don't "get it"!lol Like this belt buckle that was advertised in the Etsy Finds today...

hummm, now, just what are we trying to say with this one?

"This whale belt buckle would make any outfit an instant showstopper. Guys, go out with this one on and just wait for the ladies to start commenting on it! buncombebuckles's shop $54." May 12, 2008 Today's Find was curated for you by Marymary.

I just found it comical, especially with MaryMary pointing out that the "ladies" would start commenting on it to the wearer...

"Back in the day" I remember my poor little grandma's words about the horribly indecent things she was being subject to -

Most prominent in my memory was her comment about a billboard that read, "A buck well-spent on a Springmade Sheet"! It pictured an Native American male sitting, with his head hanging down, on the edge of a bed that I guess was made using the company "Springmade"'s sheets... she thought the implication was intolerable! I really think she would just die if she saw all the commercials on t.v. now!

There is nothing that can't be said, or done, on these commercials now. Even the animated movies are full of innuendos and profanity.... {sigh} I often wonder if, for the sake of "free speech", that we've lost all dignity, modesty, and self-respect? It still stops me in my tracks to hear these things on t.v. Even "The Bee Movie" was inundated with sexual comments and drug use references!? I think they've decided that kids don't understand the meanings of what they're saying, so it's okay - but I guarantee you that my 8 year old boy understands! Of course, he has an usually high I.Q., but it's not a reach for the average intelligent child to "get it"....
I wish we could go back to the way it was - I just feel like we've lost our commonsense and especially, our morals.

On a more, directly related to me, note - there's a fire up here on the mountain, just a few miles away, so I will probably have to stop work for a bit to pack up some of my more important things. A guy up here decided to not tell anyone, and just go ahead and burn some brush - we have a very strict fire ban on right now, but he didn't care! =< Now my little home is being threatened again, by the carelessness and selfishness of some guy that wanted to clean his stupid yard! Makes me angry to say the least!! Our season is already started to be a bad one - it's going to be precarious living unless we get some moisture soon. The clouds are thick today and a storm is predicted, but the clouds aren't letting loose yet! Maybe I'll have to get some of the deer antler into a necklace and get to makin' a rain dance! lol
Anyway, would appreciate some good thoughts sent our way today =D


KW Eagle - Progress Pics

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's finally showing signs of Spring and my work load is steadily increasing => I thought I would post a progress picture of the eagle I'm working on. Can't wait to get him done and sent to his new home. I thought I was making a huge mistake in using my finest walnut burl on this piece, but I think now that it's going to be a good thing. It's just a reminder though, to "keep it simple" - it really wasn't necessary in the end to use such figured wood - the piece will stand for itself after the shaping and final finish is applied! Still, all-in-all, it's a pretty project. Kathy Wise always makes me look good! lol These aren't the best pictures though, taken at 5am, having to rely on indoor lighting. I'm going to be taking better ones later to add to my Flicker page. The eye is the only part that remains to be finished, although I think a little more shaping on the upper body will help tremendously...
The Easter egg hunt at the fire station was loaded with kids this year. We got there a few minutes late and Austin had to run to get in the racing crowd! A few were later than us though, and some of the kids only ended up with a few eggs =< home ="">
I was so surprised to see Vivian there! She had a new little girl in her arms? I told her that I didn't even know she was pregnant and she said, "no one did!" lol She's so cute; 5 weeks old and decked out in pink => I managed to snap a quick photo of a hungry Madison! It was a sad note though to hear that Denita was back in the hospital. She's getting an i.v. in place for antibiotics - I guess she's lost a lot of weight; Vivian said she's down to 110!? I really need to see her - I would feel terrible if something happened and I hadn't gotten to see her!! I wish I were a better friend....
Well, it's back to bed for now - Roger was leaving this morning for Trinidad again - another 3-4 days. It's good for our bills but it's Spring Break for the boys and I won't be able to get much work done =< The sun's starting to come up and I promised myself I would have a lazy morning and stay in bed a little while later this morning - as long as my back doesn't act up anyway ;{

New Creations

Friday, February 22, 2008

Finally, resolved the thing with my DeWalt - the new one is on it's way!! I love warranties! =>
Posted my puzzles finally! I hope they do well, they do locally, so I'm hoping :D Why would someone NOT want a custom portrait puzzle!? lol
Seems that when I got the saw issue under control it boosted my creativity! I even got one portrait listing done => Now if I can just get the rest of my life in order!!
That's it for now, just wanted to share that I'm back in my creative mode and am doing the "happy dance"!!
ttyl, F

Playing Catch-up

Friday, February 15, 2008

Well, I sure need to get better about entries! I am always thinking about writing, but to put cursor to screen seems so daunting a task. There's so much to write, that it's overwhelming!

Today was a pretty good day. I didn't get a real piece of work going but I did work a little. I told Roger today that even if my saw were in working order I wouldn't be out there sawing, so I don't know why I'm letting that slow me down?

I need to work on my patterns but I usually work at night, into the morning hours, and lately I've just been so tired. I'm trying to get my portraits online but I need to take a couple of more pictures before I can list the bigger ones. I'm not sure how they'll do, but I know that the people I sell them to regularly love them so hopefully they will go over well.

As I mentioned my saw is broken. I love my big yellow Dewalt, but it's never cared for me much. I'm glad that I did call and get the claim going before the warranty ran out! How odd for me to handle that kind of business on time! lol They said they'd send me a new one as soon as I get the receipt to them so I'm pretty excited about that. I realized that it's been hampering my progress for quite a long time, as I've not wanted to get out there and cut when I know that each stroke is causing more damage and that it could, and probably would, quit in mid-project... What a relief it will be!

As far as the new birds go, it's been an experience. I can't get close to Petey really, as he's not anything like Roo was and the female that is Roger's is just plain hateful at this point. They're both very young but having them both here causes them to want each other rather than us... it's hard but I'm working on it.

I've been working on my digital art more and more, and am finding that I love making things look chaotic and grungy. It's been fun, but I'm not sure there will be a place for it on Etsy. Ryan's opened a shop there for his but hasn't posted anything yet. When he does I will enclose a link. Pretty talented of course! lol

I went to College Day with him last Saturday and wow! was that a trip!! Adams State is going to be great for him. Everyone already knows who he is and the financial head handed him a $1000 scholarship just like that. He also did an on-the-fly addition for the music heads with their stand up bass, which he's only played briefly once before, and blew them away. He doesn't know what he'll receive from them for a scholarship yet, but they were truly impressed. I can't count my reaction, cuz' I'm always impressed with his playing! lol

Well, Austin's calling - wants to go to bed. I will try to write a little more later, but I'm not promising anything! lol I need to post some pics also and work on my poor portfolio! ttys, F

Losing Roo, Winning Freedom

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It was a stupid, painful week. Saturday night at 6:18 pm my little bird, Roo Roo, died in my arms - I was so shocked! I knew after the day's events that I would lose her, but when it happened I realized that I'd lived the day in disbelief. I cried for her not to leave me, but she was already gone. Maybe to some, she was 'just a bird' and sometimes during the nearly three years of her being with me, I thought she was 'just a bird' too. But she was so much more. I couldn't write about her here until now. I made myself sick that night crying over her loss, and ended up practically immobilized for almost three entire days. I think today was the first 'real' day I've had since her passing. And the reason for my being able to function again is the stupid part. I told my family that I would never have another bird, but Roger went out and bought the little male cockatiel that I'd coveted the day before Roo died. I didn't know whether to kill him or kiss him. I know he is trying to help, and I guess it did. But I feel like I've betrayed the one who was so totally devoted to me. Yeah, he's gorgeous, and sweet - but will he ever bond to me like Roo did? I haven't even buried Roo yet, I just can't get my heart to part with her. She sits on a fluffy satin 'pillow' in a box in my work room; I wanted to put her in something beautiful that I'd made with my own hands, decorate it especially for her. Maybe tomorrow, maybe I'll find the strength to let her go.... I knew she was an integral part of my life, but I didn't realize how much I had depended on her for the warmth she gave my loneliness I've always felt. I also have been unable to sleep very well for the fact that I feel "haunted" - sometimes I'll hear her little chirp that she made when I was moving around in the night doing my late night duties. Every time I walk into my room I look for her in habit, and miss her all the more.
So maybe this new little 'tiel will help ease some of the pain and loneliness? Will let you know I guess how it goes from here - there's lots to do to start over with a new little soul. Things I try to remember that I did with Roo to help her love and bond with me escape my memory.
I did a lot of reading today on cockatiels and wish I'd done so while I had Roo. I realized that I hadn't treated her as well as she deserved and I vowed that I would do better with "Petey". I am glad that i made sure to request somewhere in my devastated ramblings over the weekend that I would prefer a male, so that I would never have to go through the possibilities of an 'egg bound' bird again. That was so painful, and my first instinct is to protect myself... time will tell if I'm able to let another port to my heart be opened.
The "winning freedom" part of the title has to do with Roger, and after reliving the pain of the week I find that I'm tired and not in the right frame of mind to write anymore, especially about anything else... so I will try to finish this tomorrow - it's a good story so I hope that the interruption in writing about it won't be a burden to anyone, as if anyone reads my dribble! lol But just in case, I'll make sure I finish up tomorrow...
Good night for now, F

Where's Waldo? - ummm, Roger?

Saturday, January 5, 2008

I am trying to not to giggle while I type - and it's hard to hit the keys right... I have a very stoic family - my sisters are teachers and one is a doctor - my brother an engineer/spy? for some mysterious company that sends him all over the world. So you can see that my life is rather boring to them and I thought after hearing about their most recent travels that I'd send them a photo of *ours*... lol If you don't know me, just suffice it to say, we live hand-to-mouth here in the Colorado Mountains and aren't the most cultured bunch! lol I used to be, but, hence why my sisters weren't expecting such a guffaw! lol
Anyway, I am getting pretty handy at Photoshop finally and use it extensively in my work for pattern designing. In the off hours of midnite to 3am I decided to make up a little story for my hillbilly husband's brothers - who all live too far away to visit with but by email(how they learned that I'll never know!?lol) that showed Roger (my DH) in different places/scenes of the world every month. This new year he started off in the South East African desert "romping with an Oryx buck".
Now, I know I do a pretty good job of "shoppin'" things but this one took the cake apparently! lol My oldest dr. sis just wrote me and asked about the circumstances of "the photo" and "how long ago was the picture taken"! LMAO!
Yes, I'm going to share the joke with her, but gosh that was a "humdinger"!!
I was thinking, maybe that would be an interesting "service" to provide for a fee - doing this kind of 'family fun' stuff to people that can't do it themselves - my boys are always telling me that I never do anything without thinking of how it could be turned into money! lol
Anyway, just thought I'd share a warm funny on such a dreary day =D